West Virginia

      Hello and Welcome to "Sugrbean's West Virginia Page"... Please sit back and enjoy the following information about my "Wild & Wonderful State", the ONLY one I will ever call "Home". I have lived in Charleston since I was 2 years old... I live downtown and can be about anywhere I want to be in a matter of a few minutes.. I can look out my window and see the 4th of July fireworks, without having to get in all the traffic *S*.... I can't believe that they are tearing down our beautiful mountains for shopping centers and such... It is awful... I can't imagine what type of store would be worth destroying something that has taken thousands of years to grow, just to create buildings.. If you ask me, I think it's sick!

      Great WV Page

      All designs on this page were made by ME... IF it shows up anywhere else on the web, then it was STOLEN..

      Sugrbean is the Webmistress.
      Sugrbean owns and maintains this wonderful page.
      These pages are constantly being updated, please check back often.
      Sugrbean is not responsible for the contents of the banners displayed on this page.